
Best Solutions
& ideas for
Your Business

Brand Hailer engages with brands to understand their marketing, sales and strategic objectives

We provide brands with the ‘digital handshake’ to engage and convert consumers. We create what we call a ‘walled garden’ exclusive to the environment through the wifi-access point, landing the customer in this plush garden. Getting the top-of-mind opportunity to drive consumers to engage.

The data allows strategic advantage for both brands and landlords.


Who we are

Our People

At Brand Hailer we build innovative, targeted and measurable digital marketing solutions. Using tech-forward ideas, strategies and mechanics, we design and execute bold activations that link brands to socially-connected consumers. We are passionate about what we do and how we do it.

brand hailer is a powerful digital activation solution

Our Best Experts

Team You Want to work with

WHAT WE DO We put customers in-store experience in their hands
HOW WE DO IT An in-store, data-free, closed network. In-network Menu and Interactive platform. In-store live TV squeeze back advertising for brands and show in-store specials.
WHY WE DO IT Enhance customer experience. Allow brands to offer value to customer. Allow customers to interact with brands of interest and get value. Share insights for value.